Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Resolutions! Again.

I challenge all of you to do something now. Go and dig up the half-shredded piece of notebook paper (provided you still keep it) with all your new year resolutions for the year 2010. Go down the list and be honest with yourself. How many of those resolutions did you accomplish?

The famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, once wrote in his excellent book 'Over The Top' of a time when he visited a gym to in January, shortly after New Year's Day. He had been going regularly to get in shape and had made this one of his long-term goals. On that day, however, the gym was packed with people, which was a rare sight. He asked the worker at the desk what was going on. The man smiled and told him to come back in a few weeks. 'These are the 'new year's resolution' people.' In a few weeks the gym would be back to normal.

Tragically, it's often far easier to set a goal than to diligently pursue it, much less finish it. Even more saddening is that this happens in the Christian life as well. How many of us have grown cold over the years, our commitment to God's cause having become nothing more than a distant memory? God's heart is grieved when we become like the seeds that fall on rocky ground or among bushes, and do not bear fruit. (Luke 8: 13-14)

Jesus said:
I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those that remain in Me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without Me. (John 15:5)

The foundation for persevering in our walk with Christ lies with Christ Himself. And we need to anchor ourselves to Him, and renew our commitment daily. One of the best daily habits to cultivate is that of Bible journalling, to study the Bible and write down our reflections on God's Word. You can do it in a blank notebook, or even better, there are several journals at Christian bookshops specifically for this purpose. A systematic Bible reading plan would be invaluable as well. I just started this habit not long ago, and am beginning to see the benefits: peace of mind, a deeper understanding of God's Word, and a clearer picture of God and His Truths.

Ultimately, it comes down to trusting in Jesus, and committing our lives to Him. It is like training to be an athlete; every day, the commitment must be renewed, and training must be conducted. Paul writes,
That is why I run straight for the finishing line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches. I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest. (1 Corinthians 9: 26-27)

So what are your resolutions for the year 2011? May you go forward and accomplish them for the glory of God. At the same time, always trust in Jesus as you run the most important race of your life--your life itself! Work hard so that at the end of December 2011, you can proudly bring out your old piece of paper, tick off every item, and mark the list COMPLETED.

More importantly, may we run the race, fight the good fight and keep the faith, so that at the end of our life when we stand before God, He says to us: 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant!'


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