Friday, July 1, 2011

Looking For A Church? =)

Helloo fellow juniors!
We know it has been a long week for you, but I believe it was incredibly fun and fulfilling as you adjust to your new life, meet new people and make new connections =)

We were very blessed by your presence during CF last Thursday, and we really hope that you were ministered by God, and that God will take care of you all the way through!

We understand you are looking for a church to attend.

And as stated in the bulletin you've received, you could call the specific contacts to attend the church this Sunday:

St. Theresa Church - Wayne : 0148989038

Chinese Methodist Church - James Sia : 0138329535
(FYI, they have their services in both English and Chinese)

Nilai Gospel Chapel - Esther Tan : 0164879181

Baptist Church - Lynton : 0146000155

Grace, Puchong - Jacinta : 0145633125

ACTS Church - Bro Ronson : 0162508214

All transport are provided by the church, as long as you inform the representatives beforehand :)

God bless you heaps, have a great weekend! =)

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