Sunday, January 8, 2012

Have you done your devotion?

Devotion is truly an important necessity in our walk with God.

It helps us grow closer to God and be constantly reminded to fear God.

Psalms 5:1-3 - Give ear to my words, O Lord, Consider my meditation.

How do we do devotions? 
1. Fix a time for daily devotions
2. Meditate on God's word
3. Pray


benefits of doing devotions.
-Joy (v.11)
-Blessings (v.11)
-Favour (v.12)

These are a few tools that can help you in doing daily devotions.

In this new year, I strongly urge all you christians out there to do your daily devotions. 

If you have time for chill-axing in front of the computer playing games or facebooking, why not take some time to read God's word?

Do your devotions and you will surely feel the change in your life!

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